


Transition: Grade 6 into Year 7

Knowing each student’s learning, wellbeing and key information is crucial to our transition program. We spend Terms 3 and 4 of your child’s final year in primary school getting to know them, gathering their learning data, building relationships with a variety of staff and providing opportunities to attend the college to ensure students feel comfortable in their transition. During Term 4 we analyse student learning data and use this along with teacher insight, parent input surveys and student preferences to help develop our Year 7 classes. As a lead into the statewide Orientation Day in December, students are able to participate in our small group transition sessions called Transition Bubbles. These sessions allow students to better understand the College. Students participate in a school tour, classroom experiences, a wellbeing check-in and meet key leaders and teachers within the College to gain an understanding of what happens on Orientation Day.

Further information

Rosebud Secondary College guarantees students residing within our school zone, transition enrolment at our College, determined by your permanent residential address. Our school manages enrolments using the Placement Policy to ensure that students have access to their designated neighbourhood school.

Our school zone is available on findmyschool.vic.gov.au which hosts the most up-to-date information on school zones in Victoria.For more information, you can:

  • visit School zones for answers to frequently asked questions

Term 1: Representatives from RSC visit local primary schools to meet grade 6 students, talk about starting secondary college and invite them to the College Open Night

Term 2: Students are invited for their first taste of Rosebud Secondary College. Most often this is an invitiation to view a College production or Wakikirri performance.
Students receive through their primary school the Application for Placement to a secondary school form. This form allows families to apply for a place at their preferred school. Forms are returned to the primary schools and then places are allocated according to the Enrolment Policy.

Term 3: Families are notified of their secondary school placement and are asked to accept or decline the offer. Members of our staff then start the transition process as outlined above, gathering information so that we are able to support your student through their secondary school transition.

Term 4: Students participate in transition activities at RSC. Parents are invited to attend information sessions to support their students transition.


Each year in March RSC hosts the College Open Night, this is great opportunity for prospective families to see what the College has to offer. Attendees will get a guided tour and hands on experience of our classes, Houses and facilities led by our students and staff.

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