

Laptop Program

Rosebud Secondary College is committed to providing wider access to valuable resources & learning opportunities via its current network.

Our 1:1 Laptop program intends to provide all students with equal access to our programs and the technology available supporting individual learning. Parents have the choice to purchase new laptops through our partners at Edunet or by participating in our BYOD (bring your own device) program – providing access to self serve apps and online resources.


We are able to provide limited support to BYO devices, assisting students to connect to the College Wireless Network with their BYO device.

In order for devices to connect effectively to the College’s Wireless Network, BYO devices must be running the following as a minimum:

  • Windows 10  or 11 (64 Bit), or
  • Mac OSX 11+
  • Battery life of at least 6 hours (no chargers are to be brought to school) Laptop charging stations are provided at multiple locations onsite.
  • It is highly recommended that any BYOD are less than 4 years old
  • Chromebooks / iPads are NOT recommended or supported devices

*Windows 10/11 Devices need to be taken out of S-Mode

Due to constraints around warranty & insurance, BYOD devices will have access to limited tech support. BYO devices will need to be taken back to the manufacturer or place of purchase for repair and warranty claims.

Students will be connected to the College network on within the first week of their start date. Students will gain access to Google suite & online applications once RSC student gmail accounts have been activated.

Where required by subject selection, Microsoft Office & Adobe Suite can be installed via education dept credentials. These are not initially provided.

Our in house IT Technicians can provide support for software related issues (viruses, problematic software) to all devices.

Support for hardware issues can only be provided to devices purchased via the College partner Edunet. College technicians will diagnose devices and request required repairs from Edunet.
Our in house Technicians cannot fix any hardware related issues, these will need to be logged with the manufacturer.