


Central to Rosebud Secondary College’s purpose is to provide ‘a safe and respectful environment’ that is conducive to learning and encourages in our students ‘self awareness, resilience and personal best’.

At our College, all health and wellbeing curriculum and practices are founded on BASE. This stands for: Be Active Sleep Eat, which form the four pillars of good health and wellbeing. We aim to be proactive in our wellbeing approach, and encourage our students to practise mindfulness and yoga.
Rosebud Secondary College’s Wellbeing team includes a Wellbeing Leader, a Mental Health Practitioner, a Social worker and a Secondary School Nurse. We also collaborate closely with external providers such as Headspace, Anglicare, Psychologists, Occupational Therapists and Speech pathologists who will utilise our Wellbeing Pavilion to visit students at school.
Aligning with this proactive approach is our Behaviour Coach, who works with students on strategies to manage their behaviour in and out of the classroom. This is also a free service and is available for individual students or for those friendship groups wishing to be supported in overcoming challenges. Our Behaviour Coach regularly visits classes to reinforce our student skills.

Doctors in Secondary Schools program.

Our Doctors in School Program, hosted by doctors and nurses from South Coast Medical, is located in the BASE building, and is also available to students free of charge every Thursday. Students can book themselves in via the QR code on our website or in their school diary, to see the GP for anything they would normally see a doctor for. Parents are also welcome to attend.

Dr Ciara Flynn
Dr Neil Stitt


Belonging. Engagement and Meaning. This program aims to develop trusting, supportive relationships between carefully selected and trained community volunteers. RSC welcomes our volunteer mentors who join their junior student in a variety of activities but most importantly to chat. “ The best hour of the week”

Our school based mentoring program aims to allow our young people to BEAM. Research shows that having a connection with a supportive interested adult brings engagement and meaning to a teenager’s life, both at school and in the community.

‘We have fun together and get to talk about life’ mentor
‘My mentor is someone I can trust if I need to talk to someone’ student