

Teaching & Learning

Rosebud Secondary College is committed to the implementation of best practice and research informed approaches to create orderly, predictable and positive learning environments for all our learners. 
The learning routines and strategies are designed to support a reduced cognitive load for all learners, and a culture of unconditional positive regard for staff and students alike. It is an expectation that all staff and students follow the college learning routines and strategies in their daily lessons and practice.
Staff at Rosebud Secondary College are provided with ongoing coaching / feedback and support for their professional growth in their application of the learning routines via our ongoing classroom observation schedule. This coaching program is undertaken by our Leading Teacher and Principal team and is a school wide priority to ensure the most effective learning environment. 

As a College we develop our teaching and learning based on the Science of Learning Principles.

The Science of Learning summarises existing cognitive-science research on how students learn, and connects it to practical implications for teaching.

Providing the best programs based on evidence and neuroscience.

On commencement at the College, every child is assessed on their literacy skills. From these assessments, we determine if there is intervention or extension required. Students requiring intervention participate in a structured literacy program called Corrective Reading, which addresses the critical reading components of phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension through Explicit Direct Instructional teaching practice.
The Science of Math focuses on using objective evidence about how students learn math. The Science of Math is a constantly growing body of knowledge, informed by research, that promotes a systematic and explicit approach to math assessment and instruction. As a College we assess all students and those requiring extension or intervention are provided with programs that directly target the skills needed to be extended or supported.
Students have the opportunity to attend our after-school tutoring to support their learning. This is a free support for all students within the College. The sessions occur 2 afternoons a week. Students or parents can request the tutoring sessions in a session-by-session option or as an ongoing booking. Parents / Students outline what support is needed and the staff running that session liaise with the student’s teacher to gather key information to directly target the tutoring session.

Years 7 - 8

Students in Years 7 and 8 participate in both core and specialist subjects to provide them with exposure and experience in various learning areas. Students participate in the following subjects in Years 7 – 8 English Maths Health & Physical Education Humanities Science Languages (Japanese or Indonesian) Technology – Textiles, Wood & Food Art & Visual Communication Performing Arts; Drama & Dance Lift (House Based Program)

Year 9

Core Curriculum + Electives. While continuing to build essential knowledge and skills in key learning areas students in year 9 will also have the opportunity to tailor their learning more towards their interests and needs. In addition to their core program, students nominate their preferences and add two subjects per term to their core program. The elective subjects offered are an extension of the specialist subjects studied in years 7-8 and engage students in areas they are passionate about to build the foundation of a strong senior pathway. 

DARE: Students undertake an enhancement program for one term throughout Year 9. This includes 2 camps and an integrated learning opportunity to test their personal learning limits.

Segway to PATHWAYS

At Rosebud Secondary College all students participate in Careers Education programs and pathway conversations. The year 9 program provides a building block for…

For more information please visit our dedicated Careers & pathways page